I-Write Plan - Poster Set | The I-Write Plan Posters Set - Students learn best when all of the learning styles are addressed. This activity allows for verbal, visual, and kinesthetic involvement while learning the parts of a short constructed response.


I-Write Plan - Poster Set : This document has a total of 3 pages. 


The I-Write Plan Posters Set contains three posters. The first one is how the steps of the I-Write Plan relates to the RACES acronym. The second poster in the set defines which pieces of the I-Write Plan should be bolded, underlined, and italicized. This can be used as a double-checking technique when responding to an SCR or ECR. The third set is only the shape of the I-Write Plan and its color-coding which signifies the thesis or controlling idea, the textual evidence, and the inference. It is free of words. This allows this poster to be displayed as a reminder without containing written cues.


This item is accompanied with a Teach Big reading, and writing training. If you are interested in a Teach BIG reading or writing training, please call 281– 549–4466, or email welcome@teachbig.com

This item is designed to be displayed in classrooms who have taught the different types of textual evidence. It is appropriate grades K-8.