Prompt to Product - Interactive ECR


This proven graphic organizer now jumps off the page to become an “assistant teacher” in your classroom as you tackle all the components necessary for writing SCRs and ECRs!  This is an Interactive Google Slides constructed written response unit ready to use today.



-Shape the prompt (prompt analysis)

-The pieces of a thesis

-Textual evidence collection

-Text connections


-Introductions (ECR)

-Strong Main Body Paragraphs (ECR)

-Conclusions (ECR) 

Can you believe all of this is in one place for SCR and ECR together? 

Let’s start teaching smarter instead of harder! With this complete unit that involves two micro-passages so that you can maximize the written construction element, you will take your students on a journey from whole group and small group work, to  individual practice for writing an SCR and an ECR.

Enjoy this journey with them in this step-by-step interactive Google slides unit. This unit is designed to take approximately 2 to 3 weeks depending on how much time you have to devote to the process. Ideally, approximately 20 minutes per class day will take you through this solid two week unit. It will extend into a third week as students construct their own independent responses. 

Imagine you and your students physically manipulating ideas, sentences, quotation marks, and textual evidence all the while building a written constructed response.

Given that the primary focus is the construction of the written response, and the practice passage is short in nature, this activity can span grades three through seven, and beyond based on need. The level of writing expected from your students will vary from student to student. 

We will be releasing a video demonstration of this writing unit in the near future. However, if you would like to see it in action prior to the demo video, please attend an SCR or ECR training by Teach BIG. To learn more about our trainings at one of our locations or at your own campus, Please call 281–549–4466 or visit our website See you soon!