Question Stem Synonym Booklets


Question Stem Synonym Booklets: This document a total of 10 pages. 

Question Stem Synonym Booklets: This document has a total of 8 pages. 

Is it a foldable?

Is it a booklet?

Is it a manipulative?

It’s all three! 

Of course, we are all curious and excited to learn about and dissect the new question styles, but what if I told you it’s much deeper than that!?! 

Teach BIG has conducted many hours of research on all the questions from released tests to develop this product!!!!!  

Understanding the new question styles (multi-part, multi-select, inline, hot text and others) is just the beginning.  

The depth of the questions is the true realization that matters even more than the question styles. The depths can be divided into 4 levels. 

Each level represents a different level of thinking required by the reader. These 4 levels of thinking are what directs and defines the “guts” of what a question is asking. It’s not just its content but rather how the content is known, supported, inferred, or connected. 

Teach BIG refers to these levels of thinking as the 4 Dimensions.  

Understanding the 4 Dimensions unlocks key components and allows for quality and valid instruction. It takes away the guesswork. It breeds confidence. It fosters higher test scores.  

One aspect to consider is that questions cannot simply be placed into the who, what, when, where, why, and how divisions. 

Instead - any of 5W/H can be utilized within all 4 of the Dimensions of thinking questions. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to study all the ways in which each of the Dimensions of questions are asked. 

That’s where the Question Stem Synonym Booklets come into play! 

Each booklet represents each of the 4 Dimensions of reading comprehension!   

4 Dimensions:

  1. Knowledge/recall
  2. Text evidence
  3. Inference/Why
  4. Connections/How

The Question Stem Synonym Booklets provide kinesthetic practice with identifying which level of question is being asked, the various ways to say the same thing within a question, and the parts of every question and corresponding answer.  

If you’re interested in learning more about the new types of thinking required for the new depths of STAAR 2.0 questions, then we’d love to meet you at one of our Reading Inservices soon!   

Visit our website or give us a call to join the Teach BIG family!  If you’re already a part of our sweet family, then we’d love to see you again soon!
