Sentence Weather - Interactive Weekly Forecast


If you are drowning in a flood of grammar details, let the Weekly Forecasts of Sentence Weather save you! 

Imagine an interactive editing and revising activity that is completed weekly with an emphasis on answering multiple-choice questions as well as an SCR!

Learning the parts of speech will never be the same! Teaching Sentence Weather to your students bring the abstract to the concrete with simple and familiar weather symbols in an instant! 

Knowing the parts of speech, capitalization, and punctuation, is just the beginning.  These may be the parts, but how do we practice bringing them together to make a whole? 

Enter Sentence Weather!!!  This interactive and engaging activity is great for a whole group, small group, or independent work. With all the movable parts to construct and label the various sentence types, your students will finally enjoy the journey of effective sentence construction.

Toss out those worksheets, and be ready to take a deep dive into simple, compound, and complex sentence creation.  Enjoy the Weekly Forecasts of Sentence Weather. Each day is built upon the previous day. Understanding past, present, and future tenses, as well as the difference between simple, compound, and complex sentence structures are game-changing when answering detailed editing questions and constructing revising SCR prompts.

As an added instructional element, you may view how to use this Google classroom document in video form. Let Sentence Weather become part of your daily routine, and watch the writing stresses melt away for you and your students. 

You will receive download instructions so that you can make a copy and use the document within your own Google Drive. 

If you are interested in additional materials for grammar, please see the activity books section on our website. You will notice a book called Sentence Weather and another one called Sentence Storming. Both are wonderful extensions of this engaging activity.

This interactive activity is also part of the Teach BIG Editing training.  If you would like to know more of the ins and outs regarding STAAR 2.0 Editing and Revising, please reach out to or call us at 281-549-4466.  Set up a training at your campus or attend a Teach BIG training at our ranch, the beach, or our Kemah conference center.