Adjective Word Trios | The additive word trios item is a set of 36 sets of three words that cover all of the adjective types.


Adjective Word Trios: This document has a total of 27 pages.

The additive word trios item is a set of 36 sets of three words that cover all of the adjective types. For example, an adjective word trio to describe size might be “small, tiny minuscule.” Each word trio is designed to last one week. It is designed to be added to a bulletin board, or a ring to be reviewed multiple times a day. The adjective word trios can be reviewed during times of transition, such as lining up for lunch or getting into groups. The overall rationale for the word trios is to expose students to sets of synonyms that are small chunked into sets of three. By hearing the word trio set each week, a student’s vocabulary will be expanded. By seeing the word trios posted around the room, a student’s spelling of these words will also increase. By sheer exposure to the word trios, a student’s reading and writing vocabulary will be expanded as well. We suggest using a unique voice, such as a robot, voice, or a mouse, voice, to say each of the words. In addition, it is a great idea to add simple motions to help represent these words as well. By doing all of these things, the adjective word trios can meet all three of the learning styles.


This product is a part of the Teach BIG Sights and Sounds Phonics curriculum. It is a systemic approach to the Science of Reading. If you are interested in a Teach BIG phonics training, please call 281– 549–4466, or email


Grade level emphasis: K to 3rd grade, struggling readers, and readers who need practice understanding that there are multiple ways to say every word (synonyms).